Optimising an Audit Programme using a Network Structure

Optimising an Audit Programme using a Network Structure
Раздел: Аудит
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W. Edwards Deming referred the ‘understanding of systems’ as being a key principle for quality thinking. In this instance, as it currently stands the organisation under examination is operating two major units: A business unit and an educational unit. This is reflected in the current method of organisational evaluation as shown throughout this research, with the use of two separate evaluation methods: the Baldrige Educational Performance Excellence Criteria and New Zealand Educational Authority’s required Six Tertiary Evaluation Indicators. Through the development of a single evaluation tool the needs of the ‘whole’ organisation can be determined, which will aid in the deployment of resources and innovation to ensure the whole organisation benefits. Presently from the information obtained through the two separate evaluation methods, innovation and advancement made in one unit will have adverse effects on another.


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