Nutritional aspects of senna

Nutritional aspects of senna
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Язык: Русский
Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.)is a native of Yemen and the Hadramaunt province of Saudi Arabia belongs to the family Caesalpiniaceae. It is a widely used medicinal herb of the future.It is also included in the Pharmacopoeias of United States of America, Germany, United Kingdom,India,etc. The primary active constituents of senna are two rheindianthrone-8,8’di glycosides called sennoside A and B.Despite the availability of some synthetic products,sennoside formulations are increasingly used as a safe laxative.Plant nutrient status or plant nutrition is one of the important factors which controls growth and development of the various characters and determines final yield potentiality.The use of judicious combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer source is essential not only to maintain soil health but also sustain productivity.Cultivation of Medicinal Plants Organically also serves as a safe mode of medicine and in senna as a safe laxative. This book analyzes and incorporates the various aspects and form of plant nutrition from organic and inorganic point of view for influencing the growth and development of the plant.


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