New Heterocyclic Azo Dyes for Printing Synthetic Fabrics

New Heterocyclic Azo Dyes for Printing Synthetic Fabrics
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New heterocyclic monoazo dyes derived from arylazopyrazolopyimidine were obtained by the reaction of 2,5 diaminopyrazoles derivatives with 2-cyanomethyl benzothiazole .The structure of the prepared dyes are established using element analysis ,IR,1H-NMR and Mass spectra . The prepared dyes have been tested against +ve and –ve bacteria, the result indicated that these dyes have good antibacterial activity. Two kinds of polyester fabrics and polyamide fabric are printed by heat transfer printing and traditional printing techniques using the prepared dyes and commerion disperse Red 60, Blue 56.The fastness properties of the printed fabrics, effect of fabric structure, and effect of milling of dyes have been investigated.


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