Nanotechnology in Food Industry and its applications

Nanotechnology in Food Industry and its applications
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Nanotechnology is the ability to measure, see, manipulate and manufacture things between 1 and 100 nanometers. Many of the principles, applications and techniques that are included in the term “nanotechnology” are the same or fairly similar to those that has already been widely understood and utilized. Nanotechnology should probably best be understood as a conceptual and intellectual framework that enables the design of more complex macroscopic structures using nanometer scale building blocks. Agricultural producers and food manufacturers could gain a more competitive position through the application of nanotechnology. Consumers may benefit from the advances in nanotechnology that contribute to a competitive and innovative domestic agricultural and food system and provide new methods to improve safety and nutritional value of food products. Finally, the scientific and technical advances needed to continue the application of nanotechnology to foods, regulatory considerations including safety, toxicology, environmental impact, economics and consumer acceptance of nanotechnology will ultimately dictate its success in food applications.


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