Mystical (Sufi) Foundation of International Relations in Islam

Mystical (Sufi) Foundation of International Relations in Islam
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Contemporary international relations have reached a fragile condition, and prevailing disciplines and arrangements cannot bring stability and peace among nations. Establishing peace, security and discipline for individuals, nations and states in international order is of the most important matters. Regularization should be done through approaching natural rights of individuals and observing humanistic characteristics and ethics. Spirit of legislations, which is the same in all religions, is called Tariqa (Sufi path), Sufism or Mysticism. Thus, if international law be defined and designed based on the spirit of all religions, which is the same in all of them, a unified law will be agreed upon and accepted by the majority. The draft for international relation declaration based on Islamic Sufi teachings was compiled based on the author’s extended studies on the subject in three main topics of public international law, foreign policy and diplomacy. Since mystical characteristics of Sufism and Gnosticism of all religions are all based upon love toward the Creator, and consequently love toward the creatures of God, this provisions could be agreed upon and put into practice operationally.


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