MYC4 - Bridging the financial gap to Africa?

MYC4 - Bridging the financial gap to Africa?
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The main purpose of the book was to bridge the knowledge gap on the subject of online lending platforms aimed at eradicating poverty in Africa. Through the case of the Danish online lending platform, MyC4 A/S (hereinafter referred to as MyC4), and moreover, the exploration of the problems and successes they experienced and encountered in Kenya, I have researched the concept of online lending platforms and their current operating circumstances in Africa. MyC4 targets the microfinance and mesofinance industry in Africa, offering loans to ‘the missing middle’ – referring to the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises, which find themselves beyond the reach of the existing African financial institutions. As a concept, microfinance is a relatively new phenomenon, seeing as it first surfaced in the late 1970’s, when Mohammed Yunus opened The Grameen Bank with the purpose of lending small amounts to poor entrepreneurs, who, in turn, would use the money to start their own businesses. Mesofinance, however, is the level above microfinance – that is to say, small and medium-sized enterprises.


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