Models of Professional Education

Models of Professional Education
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Training or professional education is, indeed, a matter of great relevance and this is why it has been approached in Brazil for many decades both in and out of the Academy, in such a way that it has yielded an enormous body of theoretical production. This publication, presented by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Lima, is not simply another book in the already mounting pile of texts published on the subject. The book deserves a special place in this pantheon of published works for the reasons given in what follows. Since the subject of professional education is being approached under several perspectives, Lima, right in the beginning of this book, explains which are his grounding principles and his analytical horizon and departing point. Assuming that “education aims at human development, which includes, of course, work and the participation in economic life”, the author tries to understand the relation between economy and education, not only in a direct way, such as training for the market, but, also and perhaps more importantly, in its mediate dimension.


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