Mobile Banking: Perspective in Bangladesh

Mobile Banking: Perspective in Bangladesh
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Most of the people don’t have enough money to buy computer with internet connection but mobile phone is popular all over the country because of the low price, easily accessible and large network coverage across the whole country. For these case mobile banking can play a big role for the society which are affordable save time, transport cost as well as reduce digital divide in Bangladesh. Many developing countries already implemented the mobile banking in mean that time peoples are being benefited. The purpose of this report is to explore the following specified problems (1) Finding the existing mobile banking services in India (2) Which are Mobile Banking solutions can be the potential benefit to Bangladesh? (3) Availability of technical infrastructure in Bangladesh for mobile banking. This work is based on literature studies, Observation, field study in India and Bangladesh, interviews of some selected banks and mobile phone operators over telephone and physically. This book has presents and analyzed some successful mobile banking system in developing countries mainly in India after that suggests suitable solutions for Bangladeshi perspective.


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