Metrics for Social Semantics

Metrics for Social Semantics
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Язык: Русский
Measurement is the process which provides us quantitative facts where as metrics are used for measurement by representing quantities and qualities quantitatively. Developing metrics for ontologies facilitates in making managerial decision while developing semantic web applications. Social information can also be represented in form of ontologies which give birth to Virtual Semantic Social Networks (VSSN) containing information about several people, their friends, interests, likings and disliking. Moreover Virtual Semantic Social Networks provide virtual semantic community to people for maintaining relations and interactions. It bridges the gap which has been created by our fast paced life where we don’t find time to visit our friends and family. Virtual Semantic Social Networks (VSSN) keep people close with their loved ones while updating them with latest stories of the members of their social circles. Members of these networks can be facilitated with friendship, dating, chatting, emailing, stuff sharing and gaming features. This book will highlight some metrics for measuring attributes of semantic social network members.


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