Mental Math: Revamp the Learning

Mental Math: Revamp the Learning
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Язык: Русский
MENTAL MATH: REVAMP THE LEARNING provides a stunning realization about the flaw and failure of our contemporary math teaching at school level. Even as it underscores the need and importance of computational skill or mental math ability, the book unfolds the finding of a study by the author, which shows the disturbingly low level of mental computation of the pupil’s group examined. In all likelihood this is a ubiquitous trend. The book also gives its readers an idea about how the group differences in intelligence, achievement in mathematics, socioeconomic status, locale and gender of the pupils impact upon their computational skills, both computational speed and computational power. The need of the hour, as the book suggests, is to revamp the math teaching and learning methods pursued in the classrooms. The right way of learning the most important among the three ‘R’s (arithmetic) is imperative and essential to the pupil community at large.


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