Management of Nigeria's Niger Delta Crisis: John Rawls' Approach

Management of Nigeria's Niger Delta Crisis: John Rawls' Approach
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Язык: Русский
This Monograph on “Management of Nigeria’s Niger Delta Crisis in the Context of John Rawls’ Treatise on Justice” is a novel way of understanding and managing the ethnic minority conflict that has for over four decades strained the relationships between the trio; the Niger Delta peoples, the Federal Government of Nigeria, and the Multinational Oil Companies in the country. It presents a consistent account of the relationship between these conflicting parties before and after Nigeria’s independence in 1960. The text identifies ‘injustice’ as a common denominator to the different trends of conflicts in the region and locates the context of the Niger Delta Crisis in two epochal events of 1914. It discusses various efforts directed at resolving the crisis. The text argues that where there is no justice, there can never be peace. Thus, as a text on Conflict Management and Peace Philosophy, the monograph offers us the opportunity of understanding the requirements of the principles of Justice as fairness in the management of minority conflicts the world over.


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