Local People Perception of Government Policies and Management

Local People Perception of Government Policies and Management
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This study assessed the Perception of Local People on Government Policies in the Management of Forest Resources in Central Senatorial District of Cross River State of Nigeria. Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A total of 646 respondents were selected for the study using stratified random proportional sampling techniques. The instrument entitled “Local People’s Perception of Government Policies and Management of Forest Resources Questionnaire” (LPPGPMFR) was used for data collection. Data obtained were analysed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation statistics at .05 level of significance and at 644 degrees of freedom. The major findings showed that there is positive relationship between the perception of Land Use Act of 1978 and the rate of deforestation; the perception of Endangered Species Policy of 1985 has a significant relationship with the perception of Wildlife Resources Management; there exists a significant relationship between the perception of Forestry Commission Laws and the perception of Forest Resources Management.


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