Life of Children and their Caregivers'with Haemophilia And Thalassemia

Life of Children and their Caregivers'with Haemophilia And Thalassemia
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Язык: Русский
The main purpose of this book is to highlight the importance of understanding physical and emotional health and Hope in Children with Thalassemia and Hemophilia. Thalassemia and Hemophilia are life-long crippling genetic disorders; both need frequent blood or blood product transfusions. These disorders lead to premature deaths due to complication of disease and transfusion. In Pakistan, 50,000 to 100,000 patients are suffering from thalassemia and every year 5,000 babies are born with the deadly disease. 5 out of 100 people are patients of thalassemia and around 8 million populations is thalassemia carrier. The estimated number of carriers of Thalassemia in Pakistan is about 80,00000 . every year 8 may has been celebrated as a special day for Thalassemia. In this situation the importance of caregivers of such children can’t be denied .they really travel hard to bear with these children and sometimes become weak, pallor and fragile themselves. It is very important to understand the complex interplay of physical and emotional health of children with these blood transfusion diseases and to raise awareness about the importance of their caregivers.


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