Language Learning Strategies

Language Learning Strategies
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Язык: Русский
This book is a product of a research study which sought to establish the Language Teaching Strategies (LTS) and Language Learning Strategies (LLS) used by teachers and learners of English respectively; and how they influence the English language instructional organisation. The objectives included: investigation of the language learners’ awareness and use of LLS; and determination of the language learners’ predisposition to using LLS. The conceptual framework was based on the principles of the ‘Language Teaching Theory’, the ‘Good Language Learner Model’ and the ‘Styles-and-Strategies Based Instruction Model’. The theories emphasize the fact that both the language teacher and learners have certain abilities, skills and knowledge that influence and structure language teaching-learning instructional processes. The study established that learners’ age, cognitive ability; gender and class levels influence LLS use. The more experienced teachers expressed a deeper understanding of learners’ language learning styles. This book is valuable to: English language educators, teacher trainees and curriculum developers.


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