Knowledge and Constraints of Farmers Towards Greenhouse

Knowledge and Constraints of Farmers Towards Greenhouse
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Agriculture is the backbone of India’s economic activity and our experience during the last 50 years has demonstrated the strong correlation between agricultural growth and economic prosperity. Looking to the need a new and effective technology which can improve continuously the productivity, profitability, sustainability of our major farming systems, i.e. green house technology, the present study was to find out the selected characteristics of the respondents, assess the knowledge of farmers towards greenhouse technology, to measure the extent of adoption of greenhouse technology, estimate the cost of cultivation of vegetable and flower crops in greenhouse technology and to identify the constraints faced by the farmers in the adoption of greenhouse technology in the Saurashtra region of the Gujarat state. Agriculture in Saurashtra mainly depends on rain so the production found inconsistent. Vegetables, fruits and flowers growing are comparatively in less area and farmers do not get good price due to the failure of producing demanded quality vegetables. Also in normal condition vegetables cannot be grow in off season. Quality flowers can be grown in greenhouse.


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