Humanitarian Effects of the internal Conflicts in Sudan:Case of Darfur

Humanitarian Effects of the internal Conflicts in Sudan:Case of Darfur
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Язык: Русский
The African continent for decades has suffered enormously from inter and intra State conflicts. Since the 1888–1892 wars between Mahdist forces and local Darfur rebels, the conflict that began in 2003 has proved to be the most costly in Darfur. The crisis has devastated rural livelihoods and set Darfur economically, politically and socially backward among others. Civilians have suffered gruesome consequences leaving them with all forms of human right violation including torture, emancipation, rape and violent murder. Peculiar questions triggered the existence of this book which have herein been closely examined. They include: What are the causes behind the continuous clash between the African–Muslim ethnic groups (non-Arabs) and the nomadic Arabs vis-a-vis the Government of Sudan (GOS)? What are the effects of this conflict particularly to humanity in Darfur? And to what extend have the peace keeping bodies intervened in ensuring that Darfur experiences peace? This book is essential reading for peace and post-conflict students, peacekeeping bodies, Aid agencies and the general public.


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