Health Communication: Role in Health Care Management

Health Communication: Role in Health Care Management
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Язык: Русский
This book explores the knowledge of health care professionals on role of health communication for the integral growth of health care management. This book is useful for all health care professionals those are involved in health care and its management. Today the communities around the world are taking advantage of the communication methods to improve people’s lives. They are using new information and communication technologies to help and create social and economic changes in areas as diverse as health, education, culture, and democratic engagement. The expansion of communication channels and health issues on the public agenda increases competition for people’s time and attention; at the same time, people have more opportunities to select information based on their personal interests and preferences. Health communication is therefore an important area of communication. The study reveals that Health Communication is very important in health care management and the various methods used are effective and are capable of making behavioral changes.


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