Gift of Knowledge

Gift of Knowledge
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Язык: Русский
Qura’n is the last Divine book and therefore, contains glimpses of established scientific signs and other statements (verses) that will be discovered over time. The Qura’n exhorts its reader and specifically the believers that the pursuit of exploring this universe is one of their religious duties that will guide them to the existence of One God. We all have to ponder upon the secrets Qura’n has foretold us. As we are educated over time, we see that there are hundreds of scientific signs still waiting for discoveries by the scientists. Some of the awaited discoveries include; How is the sustenance of all living beings fulfilled from the Heaven? [Qura’n 51:22, 45:4-5],the soul and its destination [Qura’n 83:18-21, 56:83-9], the reality of information stored in the body cells [Qura'n 24:24], (DNA) [Qura'n 6:67], hearts and their retrieval [Qura'n 22:46, 100]on the Day of Judgment, Why are hearing, sight and even heart accountable? [Qura’n 17:36,]. The reality of spiritual enlightenment by Divine guidance and radiating faces on the Day of Judgment. [Qura’n 57:12-15 and 80: 38-41]. The mind set of matter, particles, atoms, their capacity in learning the events and obeying the same God.


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