Gender in Development

Gender in Development
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Язык: Русский
‘Gender’ is increasingly occupying space in development literature and practice. ‘Gender and Development’ has become a unique field of study since 1970s, having been inspired by the path breaking Boserup’s thesis: ‘Women’s Role in Economic Development’, where Ester Boserup used for the first time ‘gender’ as an important variable in a study on economic development. Currently, many Universities have academic programmes on Gender and Development Studies at Under Graduate and Masters Levels. For students of gender and development studies, knowledge of Gender Analysis, Gender Planning, and measuring gender-related development are considered very essential. But, the fact is that for someone who looks for various frameworks on ‘Gender Analysis’ or methods of measuring gender-related development for example, it is not easy to find them all in one place. Secondly, after reading the basic concepts of gender, if one wanted to read cross-cutting themes on gender one has to go searching. That’s the gap this book fills. From this work, it is easy for a student to get at most of the methods of gender analysis and measurement, and go through essays on cross-cutting themes.


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