From the Womb to the Tomb

From the Womb to the Tomb
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The title “From the Womb to the Tomb” imposes a demand to render thanks where credit is due. To begin with great thanks to God the Creator. Clearly the overall creation and particularly the universe are for man’s sustenance and survival. Man owes thanks to fellow man especially in appreciation that “no man is an Island”. The adage stating that “I am because we are and since we are therefore I am” speaks volumes in support of this. Indeed a human being needs another irrespective of color, gender, height, size, ability, personality etc. Our diversity in culture and imagination are there to supplement and enrich one another in a splendid design by God to paint a beautiful harmony, integration and blending. Therefore each one, whatever the limitation, should be allowed to exist and live at least as a challenge and teaching aid available to me. I strongly believe that cosmetic differences should not be a cause for alarm, for no such aspects are irreversible, fortunate or unfortunate. There may be different experiences of early or late end of life on earth. Some spell disaster, sadness and vanity; others spell hope.


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