Food:Quality, Safety and Packaging - A Technical Bulletin

Food:Quality, Safety and Packaging - A Technical Bulletin
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Язык: Русский
The wonderful earth which revolves around the sun at a speed of about 30 km/s has an unique characteristics of having life on it in the form of microbes, plants, animals and human beings and there is a continuous struggle between men and microbes for sharing food that is produced on earth through photosynthesis for survival and better living. The peoples are becoming conscious of their longevity and searching for an appropriate diet that can lead them to a disease free healthy, happy and longer life. This is achieving with nature, live and eats seasonal and regional foods and adopt diet therapy in case of minor ailments. To fulfill such human desires and goals use of functional and nutraceitical components in daily diet is one of the best options, which contains nutritional and health promoting phytochemicals. The objective of this book is to discuss the technology behind the main methods of food preparation used in today’s soy food industry in terms of the principles involved, the equipment used and the changes in physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic properties that occur during processing.


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