Expressionism in the Plays of Eugene O' Neil

Expressionism in the Plays of Eugene O' Neil
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The 17th century England witnessed much racial discrimination. The existence of literary mythos, poetry, drama and fiction illustrated certain structures of national sensibility. Many literary stalwarts tried to exemplify certain factorial ethics through powerful and striking style of literary writings. Eugene O’ Neil is no exception and showed a profound understanding by exploring human nature and experiences with great attention. The present work is on Eugene O’ Neil’s Expressionistic approach to drama, exclusively from his two plays, The Emperor Jones and The Hairy Ape. Expressionism is a style of art, literature and music which symbols and exaggeration to represent emotions rather than representing physical reality. The book takes the study of these two plays where expressionism formed the basis to explore the inner reality than the external. It is a technical movement as the stage that stands between the author and the audience. It is a flawless work done on Eugene O’ Neil’s attention and persisting exploration to give the healing treatment from conventional drama to realism and symbolism.


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