Ethnic Factor in Ghanaian Politics

Ethnic Factor in Ghanaian Politics
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Язык: Русский
Considering the civil and relentless political struggles that have occurred in many sub-Saharan sub-regions, it is no doubt that political uprisings plague the African continent. Surprisingly enough, ethnicity mostly stands out eligible as a cause for such plagues. Having, therefore, conducted a study on ethnicity in politics (i.e. ethno-politics), this book examines the concepts, ‘Ethnicity’, and ‘Ethno-politics’, and their effects on politics (especially elections) in the Asawase Constituency (an electoral region in Ghana). It again discusses some factors that influence the voting patterns of electorates in the constituency, and finally concludes with some remedies to extinguish the adverse effects Ethno-politics has on the constituency, the country (Ghana) and the entire African continent.


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