Elderly-Friendly Staircase design

Elderly-Friendly Staircase design
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Язык: Русский
Maintaining safety for older adults is a challenge that could be addressed by applying conscious design. Elderly-friendly Staircase Design is a unique book that offers older adults, architects, and professionals efficient evidenced-based assessment system to achieve best practice in staircase design to suit older adults. The staircase assessment has been developed through dividing the staircase into four design elements: staircase geometrical design, handrail design, lighting and step design. Evidence-based rating system is developed from perspective reducing the risk of falling for older adults. Different staircase types, shapes and architectural design are investigated and presented in this book. The proposed methodology for staircase assessment has been incorporated into a design assessing mathematical model that is represented through a decision tree analysis module called “Design Assessment Tree” (DAT). In addition, Case studies showcase the most common staircase designs as well as their assessment procedures. Elderly-Friendly Staircase Design book is indispensable for use at housing project and house modification to reduce the risk of falling for older adults.


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