Effect Of Incentives On Teachers' Performance

Effect Of Incentives On Teachers' Performance
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The study set to assess the effects of incentives on primary school teachers’ performance. Its objective was to assess the teachers’ perception on the effectiveness of incentives on teachers’ performance. Descriptive survey research design was adopted to study a target population of 42 public primary schools. A 30% of the population was sampled out randomly. The teachers, head teachers and the school management committee were sampled out using simple random and purposive sampling techniques respectively. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. Data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Among the findings were that specific schools use the academic performance as an evaluation practice while the teachers’ employer considers continued development and expansion of skills as a pay decision guideline and promotion. The study recommends that teachers’ employer in co-ordination with the school management should devise a concrete formula in relation to teachers evaluation, performance, promotion and payment to relate to their workload and performance.


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