Economics of SRI Farms in Tuticorin District

Economics of SRI Farms in Tuticorin District
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India is the world’s second largest rice producer, accounting for more than 20% of global production. However, there is still food insecurity for millions of Indian households, and the cost of maintaining the huge current subsides for fertilizer, power and other inputs as well as price subsides is a great fiscal burden for the nation. Under these circumstances, the opportunities offered by the system of the rice intensification [SRI] and its extensions to crop production in many areas should be considered. At the present the productivity effects of SRI management have been demonstration in 42 countries round the world. In India about 1.7 million farmers are estimated to have adopted the technique on more than 7.5 lake hectares across 160 districts. Tamil Nadu and Tripura are the leading states for adoption of SRI, but many others are following suit. In this project the economic status of SRI and Non SRI farmers in Thoothukuidi district was studied. Three villages viz,. Padmanathamangalam. Ponnakurichi, Petmanagaram was selected for study and the farmers in those villages, both SRI and Non SRI, were interviewed.


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