Discourse Analyses in Psychotherapy, Counseling and Guidance

Discourse Analyses in Psychotherapy, Counseling and Guidance
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Язык: Русский
Discourse analysis is a general term that is related for a number of approaches to analyzing written, vocal, or sign language use or any significant semiotic event. The general objective of discourse analysis discourse, writing, conversation, and communicative event are variously defined in terms of coherent sequences of sentences, propositions, speech acts, or turns at talk. As general terminology psychotherapy is refers to therapeutic processes of communication, treatment, responses, interference and involvement of two parties such as between professional and client. Counseling and guidance is related with help relation for self actualization of client mainly occurs in school settings. How discourse analyses conduct in interviews’ transcripts gathered form psychotherapy, counseling and guidance is main concern of this book. As a terminology discourse analysis in literature has closely scrutinized. About thousands of sources such as books, booklets, articles not only scientific but also literal examined. The aim of this book is supply useful and meaningful source for professionals to interpretate their interview text.


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