Development of a Web-Based Students' Records Management System

Development of a Web-Based Students' Records Management System
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Язык: Русский
Modern organisations whether corporate, governmental or academic thrive on information as is a key resource. In an academic setting, students’ information systems are essential and used for the management of current student enrolments in the institution as well as those who have passed out of the system but who continue to request referrals from their former institutions. This work focuses on developing an efficient web-based students’ records management system which can ensure quick and accurate information retrieval for the consumption of both students and staff in the academic community. Existing systems were reviewed, a design was proposed for the new system and implementation was carried out. The system has a backend system that is based on Microsoft SQL Server and a frontend which employs html compatible tools. A case study of the Redeemer’s University Students’ Information System was undertaken.


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