Design of Fuzzy Logic Based SCADA System

Design of Fuzzy Logic Based SCADA System
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Fuzzy controllers are used to control consumer products, such as washing machines, video cameras, and rice cookers, as well as industrial processes, such as cement kilns, underground trains, and robots. Fuzzy control is a control method based on fuzzy logic. Just as Fuzzy logic can be described simply as “computing with words rather than numbers’’ and Fuzzy control can be described simply as “control with sentences rather than equations’’. A Fuzzy controller can include empirical rules, and that is especially useful in operator controlled plants.This is the world of automation. The majority of the products allow actions to be automatically triggered by events. The Performance of a SCADA system can be much improved using a fuzzy logic controller based SCADA in industries. This book describes design of fuzzy logic based SCADA Systems using MATLAB fuzzy logic toolbox.This Book is useful for Engineers and Research Scholars in the field of Electrical & Power Engineering.


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