Customer-support Service-The Role in Telecom Customer Relationships

Customer-support Service-The Role in Telecom Customer Relationships
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From the past few years in Sweden telecommunication business has been altered. Earlier when telecom industry was dominant in the market but now it is transformed in to more competitive market with further competitors and provides additional services. In Sweden TeliaSonera is one of the leading and superior telecommunication providers. Currently TeliaSonera is merged among two large companies such as Telia which was one of the outstanding telecommunication companies in all over Sweden and Sonera is the finish counterpart of Telia. TeliaSonera presently facilitate their customers as well as business customers by proving different communication services such as mobile telephony, mobile broadband, Broadband, fix telephony connection and TV. Regarding Customer support service the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among customers and telecommunication service providers, the study emphasize on customer-support service concerning “The Role in Customer Relationships”. and the consideration is to find out the better relationship among telecommunication service providers and their customers.


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