Creativity, burnout and class dynamism

Creativity, burnout and class dynamism
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Язык: Русский
Burnout and creativity are deemed to be two seemingly contrasting notions. While the former may influence the learning and teaching negatively the latter is believed to promote and improve the quality of education.This study meant to investigate the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers’ level of creativity and burnout at one level, and further to explore the connection between levels of class dynamism, creativity and burnout. The main purpose of the research was to learn whether or not there exists any relationship between burnout and creativity. Furthermore, in the qualitative section of the study the the relation between levels of class variability/ dynamism, degrees of burnout and creativity index was investigated to see whether EFL teachers’ tendency to be dynamic and variable in classrooms has anything to do with their symptoms of burnout and/or level of creativity. This book best favors those who intend to shake off their old teaching habits and take up new approaches to teaching English.


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