Corporate Greening

Corporate Greening
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Язык: Русский
The environmental technology (ET) and cleantech sectors are characterized by product related environmental profile which constitutes the legitimacy of these sectors and contributes to recognition as green sectors. One can wonder if the product related greenness of the ET sector also means that companies in this sector set and implement environmental goals relating to their own activities and manufacturing processes. This book contributes to understanding of greening in general and in the ET sector through highlighting the distinction between product and production related environmental impacts and activities. This distinction can be basis for defining corporate environmental profiles, corporate greening, and for defining ‘green’ and ‘green-green’ business as well as environmental leaders. The distinction between product and production related environmental initiatives as well as the other dimensions of the model of environmental profile can support companies in their communication of environmental performance and environmental activities as well as consumers and researchers in their critical evaluation of environmental corporate policy approach.


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