Contemporary British Society

Contemporary British Society
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Язык: Русский
The third edition of the highly–acclaimed Contemporary British Society is the only textbook to provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the social structure of modern Britain. Completely revised and updated, this new edition employs the very latest statistical information and empirical studies, and examines all the new arguments and debates concerning modern British society.Separate chapters explore the major areas of modern life in Britain – economic organization, employment, patterns of inequality, class, gender, ethnicity, family and households, education, health, media, deviance and politics. New to this edition are chapters on globalization, associations, and leisure.The emphasis throughout the book is on an accessible, user–friendly, and non–technical approach. It is written in a jargon–free and approachable style; there is extensive cross–referencing and frequent and clear summarizing of arguments; and numerous photographs, diagrams, graphs, drawings and cartoons complement and illuminate the text.Contemporary British Society is written for students of introductory sociology whether they are taking ?A? level or are in the first year of an undergraduate course in a higher education institution. It will also be useful for those taking courses in other subjects, such as social policy, health and town planning, which demand knowledge of particular aspects of British society. Please visit the accompanying website at:


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