Bio-efficacy of Pinoxaden 5ec on Weed Flora Of Wheat

Bio-efficacy of Pinoxaden 5ec on Weed Flora Of Wheat
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The most important cereal crop that revolutionized agriculture and wiped out hunger and starvation from the face of the world is wheat. Among the world’s most important food grains it ranks next to the rice. It is taken in various forms by more than one thousand million human beings in the world. In terms of production wheat occupies the prime position among the food crop in the world. India occupies a second position in area and production amongst the wheat growing countries of the world. In this book, I focus on the lab to land initiative aims at achieving improvement in the quality of life of people by bringing into fruition provision of the programmed for the development and welfare of the people in rural areas. This book is an attempt to furnish student and teachers the information at one place in consolidate and precise manner.


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