Australia's Media Industry: The voice of many

Australia's Media Industry: The voice of many
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Язык: Русский
From June to August 2011, I had the extraordinary opportunity to undertake an Internship at SBS, one of the two Australian public national networks. Specifically, I had contributed to the production of the radio program broadcasted daily in Italian language. At first, I thought that I would have worked for a niche media. However, it took only minutes, after I reached the SBS headquarter at Federation Square - in the very center of Melbourne – to realize that I was wrong. Although I could notice a strong cultural diversity during my first days in Australia, I understood the real extent of Australian multiculturalism only when I entered SBS offices. In fact, it was the first time I could see so many people with different origins and speaking so many different languages working together. I liked such environment straight from the beginning and it kept fascinating me every day more and more. Furthermore, such experience fueled my curiosity to find out how multiculturalism can be so successful in Australia and how media affect and are affected by diversity. This book focuses on investigating the peculiar Australia’s media industry and the role it plays in its multicultural society.


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