Attitudes towards sustainable road transports

Attitudes towards sustainable road transports
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Язык: Русский
Contemporary human society is best characterized by the concept of mobility and has become possible through the use of vehicles (achieved by using internal combustion engines as primary energy source). Operation the internal combustion engine is based on burning process of fossil fuels in order to obtain the energy transmitted to the powertrain. But with the release of energy contained in the fuel, due to the imperfect process of the combustion process of internal combustion engines, combustion gases are released into the air, having a negative impact both on the environment and human health. The road transport domain will continue to dominate into the future the global transportation sector and is necessary to take immediate actions and measures for sustainability of transport sector. Two sustainable approaches are already implemented in transportation sector: biofuels and electric vehicles. The impacts of those measures to improve the sustainable character of transportation sector depend directly by the consumer’s attitude. From this point of view the book present surveys, analyses and conclusions related to the consumer’s attitudes on future sustainable transport technologies.


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