Attachment Styles and Relationship Outcomes

Attachment Styles and Relationship Outcomes
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A study was conducted to test five hypotheses which investigated the effect of adult attachment styles on intimacy and commitment in young Lebanese adults. The Adult Attachment Scale and the Sternberg’s Love Triangular Scale were administered to a convenient sample of 133 students (69 females and 64 males) enrolled at the American University of Beirut and Haigazian University. A correlation analyses showed that secure individuals tend to show high levels of intimacy and commitment in their relationships and avoidant individuals tend to show low levels of intimacy and commitment in their relationships. However, the results did not confirm the fourth hypothesis which stated that anxious individuals show high levels of intimacy and commitment in their relationships. Moreover, results confirmed that females, in general, are more intimate and committed than males. Implications of the results were discussed and directions for future research were proposed


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