Assessment of the Non-Monetary Incentives on Employees’ perfomances

Assessment of the Non-Monetary Incentives on Employees’ perfomances
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Язык: Русский
The purpose of this study and writting this reseacrh book was to assess the contributions of non monetary incentives awarded to employees working in microfinance institutions in improving their working performances. The findings of this study are helpful to Tanzanian microfinance institutions and worldwide microfinance companies and other organisations private and public companies on understanding various forms of non monetary incentives, their effectiveness in employee’s motivation, and their applicability in their institutions. The study adopted a descriptive research strategy where a case study design was used. This book contain empirical study conducted by the author in the process of showing up the contribution of non-monetary incentive to staff working perfomances. The study revealed that many of the employees working in microfinance institutions to the larger extent are not rewarded with non monetary incentives and the rate of non monetary incentives awarded to employees are relatively low, and many of the employees are not aware of them.


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