Assessment of heavy metals and pesticides along Sosiani River, Kenya

Assessment of heavy metals and pesticides along Sosiani River, Kenya
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Many readers may look at the title of this excellent book and conclude that it’s about assessment only, at some level they may be right, but this book gives very clear discussions and conclusions about the varied quantities of different parameters being considered.It has proved helpful to young researchers who want to advance in their fields especially analysis.The author is an experienced teacher of Chemistry both at High school and University levels. Her main research interest is in the field of Analytical Chemistry where she has several publications in international journals. Some of the publications include; Persistence of pesticide along Sosiani River in Kenya, published by Photon journal and Evaluation of herbal drugs used to treat fungal and bacterial diseases in Eastern Kenya, published by the International Journal of Herbal Medicine. So, for any young researcher,this is a must read.


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