Ageing Profile in Bangladesh: A Micro-Survey Study

Ageing Profile in Bangladesh: A Micro-Survey Study
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Язык: Русский
This study is based on census and survey data. Estimate of some indicators of population ageing on the basis of census data and it is observed that the size of the elderly people is growing day by day and their annual growth rate exceeds the overall growth rate, the dependency of aged persons on the population of working age group is also increasing day by day. It is also observed that the significant (positive) effect of marital status and respondent’s monthly income and also significant (negative) effect of work status and economic condition on living arrangement. The study also reveals that the significant (positive) effect of abuse of the elderly and significant (negative) effect of respondent’s sex and work status on the health status of the elderly population followed by respondent’s age, educational status, marital status, family’s monthly income and present physical condition have significant (positive) effect on the abuse of the elderly population.


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