Adventism in Tanzania in the Twentieth Century

Adventism in Tanzania in the Twentieth Century
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Tanzania is a home of a beautiful scenery and abundant variety of wildlife of Serengeti Plain,and Ngorongoro crater. Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, rises 19340 feet in the north. Lake Victoria, which is the largest Lake in Africa, extends into northern Tanzania. Lake Tanganyika is the world longest fresh water lake, and one of the deepest in the world,forms parts of the western border. About a third of Tanzania’s population of 45,040,000 million is Christian and another third is Muslim whilst the remaining third holds to indigenous African beliefs.Muslims are predominantly localized along the coastline and the Zanzibar Islands where they constitute about 99% of the population.There are also a few pockets of people who are non-committal or who do not advocate any particular religious or spiritual belief. The Seventh-day Adventist Church was planted into Tanzania during the German era.Presently, there are over 600,000 adherents who have made great contributions to the development of the society.They have also played a significant role in shaping Tanzania’s African culture.


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