A Survey on Complex Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage

A Survey on Complex Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage
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Язык: Русский
A Survey of Complex Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage describes the efforts carried out in the last fifteen years in solid state storage of hydrogen in light weight metal hydrides (complex hydrides). In the author’s intention it represents a comprehensive collection of the works published in the field of hydrogen storage in complex hydride. Several classes of complex hydrides have been described focusing the attention on alanates, borohydrides, and transition metal hydrides. A chapter was dedicated to composites (mixture of complex hydride) while the final chapter considered the production of hydrogen by hydrolysis of complex hydrides. The chemical physical characteristics of each compound were described comprising structural, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters and, of course, focusing the attention on the hydring and dehydring behaviour. A Survey of Complex Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage is written for postgraduate students and researchers in the field of hydrogen storage, R&D professionals and experts in energy storage.


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