A Study on the Notion of Masculinity Among Muduga Tribes

A Study on the Notion of Masculinity Among Muduga Tribes
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Язык: Русский
This is a study on the notions of masculinity among muduga tribes of Attappady which adopted an ethnographic method with in-depth interviews and participant observation.The study had explore the notions of masculinity among Muduga tribes through the power differentials in this community which has established and maintained through language, rituals and customs. Ethnographic method was used by the researcher with in-depth interviews and participant observation of some rituals in order to understand the notion of ‘ideal masculinity’ , the role of rituals and customs in constructing and maintain the notions on masculinity, the difference in language used and which indicates the power differentials in the gender relations etc.Details regarding the rituals and customs, and Muduga songs were also collected by the researcher to analyze the role of those in constructing and maintaining notions of masculinity among this particular community.


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