A Study of the Religio-Political Thought of Abdurrahman Wahid

A Study of the Religio-Political Thought of Abdurrahman Wahid
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Язык: Русский
Reforming Islam has been the contentious conundrum intellectually examined by numerous Muslim thinkers across the Muslim world. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) –the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia— is the leading figure of Muslim neo-modernist who combined the traditional Islam with the universal values of modernity. He has nevertheless well-grounded and sustained worldview dealing with the current malaise of Muslims world particularly Indonesian Islam. Despite his rigorous insights of reforming Islam, the agenda of Islamic awakening would destine to fail had we failed to attend to the epistemological groundings of the awakening attempts and his is no exception of which this book attempts to address. The book tries to shed light and engage with his religio-political thought thereby providing significant contribution in shaping future Islamic awakening in both Indonesia and Muslim world. However, it is may worthwhile for academia, politicians and general readers interested in the landscapes and development of Islamic thought in Indonesia.


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