A special chance in a lifetime

A special chance in a lifetime
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Язык: Русский
“IN THE NAME OF LOVE” has eight short stories all aimed at educating the young and improving their knowledge of the English language. The stories are by one author. They are not only entertaining but they also carry deep moral lessons for the young and even the old. Most of these stories remind the author of his own past when grandmothers - Julia and Dorcas- used to narrate them to the grandchildren late into the evening. And since it was many, many years ago, the author has to fill in many of the gaps in between to create a story that entertains. The stories are good and interesting to read. Moral lessons found in these stories include: Never despise people just because they are poor, one day they might be of great help; don''t despise a small job but try to make it big since hard work pays. The stories are refreshing and very entertaining and can encourage reading for leisure among the youth in upper primary school level.


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