Marketing Due Diligence: Reconnecting Strategy to Share Price

Marketing Due Diligence: Reconnecting Strategy to Share Price
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Язык: Русский
At the top of a company, sales do not matter, profits are not the main focus, even return on investment is a secondary concern. What matters is share price and what drives share price is the creation of shareholder value. Many marketing directors, obsessed with branding and other promotional tactics, miss this fundamental truth of modern business and so destroy the wealth of their company's ultimate owners. By failing to consider and rnanage the business risk associated with their strategies, they deliver returns below the cost of capital and neglect the firm's raison d'eijre. The board needs a way of holding these marketers to account. This important new book demonstrates how the process of marketing due diligence is the rigorous and practical way to: Identify the shortcomings of traditional marketing metrics. Diagnose the parts of your strategy which create excessive risk and so destroy shareholder value. Correct the flaws in your strategy, improve shareholder value creation and justify a higher share price. Формат: 19 см x 24,5 cм.


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